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How to actually help a Small Business
This is a topic that really needs to be discussed. We all know someone who has a small business, side hustle, or business adventure in creativity. We see them posting on social media, and doing all sorts of great content, but most people don’t see the background of what is going on. We are trying to get as many eyes on their business as possible.

There are posts on different social media platforms, blogs, spending on advertising on multiple platforms as well, and telling people by word of mouth. You see the posts and give them a like, because they are your friends!

You really don’t want to spend the money on whatever they are selling (hey, I get it, sometimes they sell things that aren’t up your alley). You don’t have to do that at all, your friend’s small business just need you to do a couple little things to really help them all.

- Share their posts about their store!
- If they have funny reels or videos about their process, share them!
- Go to the store itself and favorite some of their wares.
- Share a listing of something that is interesting to you on your favorite social networks.
- If you do buy something, please leave a review, the more reviews we have, the more we get seen by others and are trusted by others, the higher up in rankings we get and more people will end up shopping with us.
- Tell your friends who have interests about whatever we sell, word of mouth needs to be more than just us yelling into the void or at networking events.
Reviewing, liking and sharing are the best way to help a small business outside of actually buying a lot of their goods.
So, before you decide to just “throw your friend a like” on their posts about their businesses, why not visit the site, share the content, and do a little more beyond liking.
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