90 Days to a Goal. Day 1.

The quiet time of this blog is coming to an end. I’ve been neglecting this blog and this platform, but, it was with good intention. We have been doing our Esty shop www.sngdesignco.com and had our first con vendor table at Las Vegas Pug Party www.grumblecity.com and was a success. Now we have a few more events coming up in the months, but we got the first one done, and now have an idea of what to expect.

SNG Design Co.

I am taking a plunge into something that my wife had bought me for Christmas. Here we are, a week out from my birthday, I decided that I need to figure out something to do with Photography in general. I love creating art, I love photography, I want to sell my own art. This is what I have decided to do in 90 days.

90 Days, I know there are going to be other jobs, tasks, and ideas. I will have to work on Etsy shop items for our business. But, I will make sure I do something, anything, every day. While using this guide to help me get there.

Even if it comes down to just writing about it here. I will try to update daily on this and going through my ideas.

The first day to doing this, is literally sitting down, opening this planner and starting. It took me 3 months to do this. But, the important thing is, I’m doing this now.

This 90x Goal Planner by Alon David https://90xgoalplanner.com is going to get me there. You all will be witness to it.

You got this.

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