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The Send Off – Saying Farewell to an old part of me.

This isn’t a farewell like you would think. This guy, this person, this persona, was at the heart of something deeper than what most think. Today, I pack the bags of the one we call, “The Lazy Guy”

I had started working with my old coach Amy on my newest ventures in Photography. Where teaching the masses is my goal, and creating a stable and beautiful stream of constant income for my business. The goal of any small business owner. What can I do to remove the anxiety, pressure and worry of bringing enough money in to live and do whatever I want.

The Lazy Guy was really really good at making sure I had that Anxiety and Worry. Because, he was always making sure I didn’t Deserve that money. Deserve it… I remember the twinge in my neck when Amy asked me to say out loud:

“I am an expert in my field and I always deserve to make $5k a month”.

That $5k is my “Breathing” target on the way to $10k a month.

Yes, I’m talking actual figures, because they aren’t scary to me anymore. Some people might think that’s too little, too much, or whatever. What they are… are mine.

My breathing money is currently $5k, that is the effortless, doing everything I do in life already, is bringing in $5k. The problem was that twinge in my neck.

That twinge was something blocking me, something stubborn. It was not flexible, it was steadfast in believing that I didn’t deserve $5k a month. What could possibly be a thing that would stop me from even believing that I deserve that money every month?


That part of me that felt like I needed to help tons of people to deserve money, which was complete bullshit. I DO help tons of people, through this blog, through social media, through daily interactions, and countless other ways.

So, once that was cleared, I still felt stuck in there. And that is when he showed up, The Lazy Guy.

When you have someone to talk through these things, you find out a lot about yourself. Amy is fantastic at this (go check her out at So, what did I find out about this Lazy Guy?

He thinks that making money can’t be fun.

“Holy shit, are you serious?”, I basically said out loud. What a stupid idea! But it wasn’t, I didn’t have any real judgement toward him and his old ways, but, I do have something for him. 2 cardboard boxes and a trash bag full of his belongings. He needs to get the hell out of here and this is his goodbye party.

The audacity of something so silly that I can’t have fun making money. When what I do is literally fun and makes me money. His ways were the little niggles that would stop me from doing MORE of what I was loving, photography, writing blogs and ebooks, and connecting with people to help them or create with them.

All of which can and do lead to more money for me.

So, farewell Lazy Guy, you’re not welcome here anymore. I’m going to go have fun and make my way to my Money Goals and keep creating more and more facets of my Photography Empire to bring me income.

For now, back to getting ready to release my latest course, add to my digital gallery for you all to buy from, creating a few e-books to help with some photography problems the masses have that I can fix, and connecting with people locally and all over the world.

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