Podcast Cover for Navigating Neurodivergence with Stefan Glazer

Shawn Pearson

This episode was great, because talking to Shawn lead me to understand how a TBI can change your brain and lead you into a path of neurodivergence that might have always been there but you just didn’t know.

His story:

” In 1998 I was a successful Electronic Engineer, running a training and publications department for the largest Cellular Engineering firm in the world. On the day of my biggest presentation to leaders of the cellular industry, my materials showed up at the meeting, but I didn’t. I was subsequently found on the floor of my office in a pool of blood. When I came to in the hospital, I couldn’t recall what happened, and most of my memories leading up to that day were completely gone. As I recovered and relearned how to walk, talk, and function, it became clear that I was a very different person than the engineer I was prior to that day. I had been very left-brain dominant and was now very right-brain dominant. I was very focused and driven; now, I was unfocused and spiritual. The story goes on from there.”


Be sure to head to ⁠⁠https://www.navigatingneurodivergence.org⁠⁠ to get your Free Copy of “Condensed Tools for Navigating Neurodivergence”. This free book has my top 3 tools from my best selling book, “Tools for Navigating Neurodivergence”.

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